صور Iasos

The Great Baths complex, Ancient Dion التي كتبها Following Hadrian

The great baths of Dion were constructed in the last decades of the 2nd century AD and were in use until the second half of the 3rd century AD, when a powerful earthquake destroyed the building. They were part of a complex organised around an open space, nowadays shaded with high trees. This complex included the odeion, a small roofed theatre, and the public toilets along the central road. A narrow forecourt was the entrance to the baths at the east side of the building. It led to a spacious reception hall with mosaic floors, where portraits of eminent men from the local community, such as the philosopher Herennianons were displayed. South to the entrance were the disrobing room and the quarters for the lukewarm and hot baths. The floor of the heated areas was set on a framework of short square columns arranged so as to create a basement, the hypocaust. At the west side of the grand hall was a large, decorated with statues, pool for the cold bath. The north wing, decorated with marble columns and mosaic floors, provided opportunities to relax and sociallly mix with other citizens. The eartern room of this wing was dedicated to the cult of god Asklepios. There were found fragments of statues reprsenting Asklepios and his family, his wife Epione, his sons Machaon and Podaleirios and his daughters Hygieia, Aigle, Pankeia and Iaso. This group of sculptures was made at the end of the 2nd century AD ina Neoattic workshop. Their prototypes were works of the 4th century BC.
Iasos هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من مواقع أثرية في Kıyıkışlacık ، تركيا . وهو موجود: 397 كم إزمير من, 431 كم Denizli من, 840 كم Antalya من. إقرأ المزيد
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