صور Hercilio Luz Bridge

Ponte Hercílio Luz التي كتبها Rodrigo_Soldon

A ponte Hercílio Luz está localizada no estado brasileiro de Santa Catarina, foi construída para ligar o continente à ilha de Santa Catarina (ligando a parte continental da capital, Florianópolis, à parte insular). A ponte Hercílio Luz é uma das maiores pontes pênseis do mundo e a maior do Brasil. Teve sua construção iniciada em 14 de novembro de 1922 e foi inaugurada a 13 de maio de 1926. O comprimento total é de 819,471 metros, com 259 metros de viaduto insular, 339,471 metros de vão central e 221 metros de viaduto continental. A estrutura de aço tem o peso aproximado de cinco mil toneladas, e os alicerces e pilares consumiram 14.250m³ de concreto. As duas torres medem 75 metros, a partir do nível do mar, e o vão central tem altura de 43 metros. ____________________ Located in Florianopolis, the capital city of Santa Catarina State in southern Brazil, the Hercilio Luz Bridge is the first bridge constructed to link the Island of Santa Catarina to the mainland. It is the longest suspension bridge in Brazil. The central span was considered quite long (but not the longest, at 340 meters) at the time of its opening and is still one of the 100 largest suspension bridges. The bridge was designed by the firm of Robinson & Steinman, and completed in 1926 and took ten times its original budget to build. It was named in honour of Hercilio Luz, a former governor of the state of Santa Catarina. The bridge has been closed since 1991. It has the fairly unusual feature that the truss carrying the roadway (a continuous stiffening component) is above the roadway itself and meets up with the cables making it non uniform in height. A similar bridge, the Walter Taylor Bridge, was built over the Brisbane River in Brisbane, Australia in 1936. The bridge was built by American Bridge Company, which, perhaps more than any other company in the world, was best qualified to work on a bridge with a continuous stiffening component. The Florianopolis Bridge when built from 1922 to 1926 was the longest eyebar suspension span in existence at that time. The 11 13’-O”-long design features towers with rocker bearings. The company brought to that project its own experimental heat-treated eyebars, and as project contractor pioneered stiffening techniques that saved materials and money while providing greater rigidity. Another bridge of similar design, the Silver Bridge over the Ohio River in the USA, collapsed in 1967 due to a failure in one of the eyebars. __________________ El Puente Hercílio Luz es un puente localizado en la ciudad brasileña de Florianópolis, capital del Estado de Santa Catarina. Conecta la isla de Santa Catarina con la parte continental de Florianópolis. Es el puente colgante más grande de Brasil y uno de los más grandes del mundo. Su construcción fue iniciada el 14 de noviembre de 1922 y se inauguró el 13 de mayo de 1926. La longitud total es de 819,471 m, con 259 m de viaducto insular, 339,471 m de vano central y 221 m de viaducto continental. La estructura de acero tiene un peso aproximado de 5.000 toneladas, y la construcción de los cimientos y pilares precisó de 14.250 m³ de hormigón. Las dos torres miden 75 msnm, y el vano central tiene una altura de 43 m.
Hercilio Luz Bridge (Português: Ponte Hercílio Luz) هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من جسور في Florianópolis ، البرازيل . وهو موجود: 13 كم Campinas من, 35 كم Palhoça من, 760 كم Curitiba من. إقرأ المزيد
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