صور Roman Theatre at Apamea

Apamea X. The Ruler’s Palace التي كتبها Egisto Sani

The tympanum of the Ruler’s Palace is inserted in the East colonnade. The main public buildings were near the “cardo maximus”. Beside roman remains we can find Christian, Arab and Ottoman monuments: mosques, churches, houses etc. The most important Roman remains are the baths, the theatre, the agora, the walls, a memorial column, private houses and obviously the colonnade main street. The columns are still in evidence. The city was destroyed by several earthquakes; notable restoration works had been carried out in the recent past (1930).
Roman Theatre at Apamea هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من مدرجات في Kalaat Moudik ، Al Jumhūrīyah al `Arabīyah as Sūrīyah . وهو موجود: 334 كم حلب من, 570 كم Bayrūt من, 640 كم دمشق من. إقرأ المزيد
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