صور Nendrum Monastery

Nendrum Monastic Site التي كتبها keithashe

Nendrum is thought to have been set up by St Machaoi in the 5th Century and also has links to St Patrick in later sources. The monastery consists of 3 round dry stone walled enclosures, one within the other. There is evidence of industrial works in the outer enclosure; a central enclosure with a church ruin and sundial, the remains of a round tower and a graveyard. The middle enclosure has the remains of huts and workshops. It is thought to be the best example of a pre-Norman monastic site in NI. For More information visit <a href="http://www.discovernorthernireland.com/Nendrum-Monastic-Site-Com.." rel="nofollow">www.discovernorthernireland.com/Nendrum-Monastic-Site-Com..</a>.
Nendrum Monastery هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من مواقع أثرية في Ardmillan ، المملكة المتحدة . وهو موجود: 407 كم دبلن من, 530 كم Glasgow من, 640 كم ليفربول من. إقرأ المزيد
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