صور حديقة كهوف كارلسباد الوطنية

2018-10-02 Carlsbad Caverns National Park 13 التي كتبها JanetandPhil

The Doll's Theater, The Big Room Trail - Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Guadalupe Mountains - New Mexico - 2 October 2018 An interpretive sign indicates that the Doll's Theater is home to a large collection of soda straw stalactities and columns. These formations are extremely small and extraordinarily fragile. Carlsbad Caverns is a very difficult place to photograph. An interpretive sign on The Big Trail indicates there are more than 1,000 lamps and tubes which illuminate, via 19 miles of concealed wires, the caverns. While there is a project to convert all lighting to LED, there is still a wide array of incandescent, fluorescent, and mercury vapor lamps, all with different color renderings. Even with all that lighting, the cavern is very dimly lit. While your eyes will get used to the dim lighting, a camera cannot capture the wide dynamic range of illumination. The use of a flash will only cause severe shadows in the background. All of these photos capturing views in the caverns were assembled in an HDR image from 7 bracketed frames . . . I used Photomatix Pro 6.1 to assemble the final image and Nikon Capture NX2 to tweak saturation and midtones. I made no effort to precisely match colors and illumination levels in the caverns, which would likely take many days of site photography and post-processing work. My objective was simply to reveal the shapes and textures of the 'decorations', mitigate overexposure of areas around the artificial lighting, and avoid shadows.
حديقة كهوف كارلسباد الوطنية (بالإنجليزية: Carlsbad Caverns National Park) هي حديقة وطنية تقع في ولاية نيو مكسيكو، الولايات المتحدة. تم إضافة هذه الحديقة إلى قائمة مواقع التراث العالمي في العام 1995. إقرأ المزيد
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لا توجد تعليقات حتى الآن. ربما تكون أنت ستكون أول من نشر معلومات مفيدة للمسافرين آخرين؟ :)

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