صور قلعة أزوتشي

Azuchi-jo: Butsu Sokuseki التي كتبها jpellgen (@1179_jp)

Probably what is known as butsu-sokuseki (Buddha's feet). Azuchi-jo was the elaborate castle of daimyo Oda Nobunaga. Nobunaga was perhaps the greatest warlord in the history of Japan and had brought almost all of the country under his submission by the time of his death in 1582. His castle in Azuchi was a short distance from Kyoto, and was situated strategically among a mountain range and along portions of Lake Biwa. It is said that Azuchi-jo may have been the greatest castle in Japanese history. It was seven stories high with an approximate height of 138 feet. Even more imposing is the fact that the tenshu sits on the top of Mount Azuchi with an elevation of almost 200 meters. It has residences for both of his top generals, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Toshiie Maeda to increase the security factor. Also, the mausoleum of Nobunaga sits near the top of the castle grounds. As you descend from the tenshu ruins, you may come across a sanjunoto (3-story pagoda) belonging to the old Soken-ji temple. I am shocked that no effort has been made to reproduce the castle in this location. A replica does exist, however, in Ise.
قلعة أزوتشي (باليابانية: 安土城 أزوتشي-جو) كانت واحدة من أوائل القلاع اليابانية والتي أمر ببنائها أودا نوبوناغا، وبنيت في الفترة بين 1576 و 1579 على شواطئ بحيرة بيوا في مقاطعة أومي. قصد نوبوناغا من اختيار ذلك الموقع لقربه من العاصمة كيوتو وبالتالي إحكا... إقرأ المزيد
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لا توجد تعليقات حتى الآن. ربما تكون أنت ستكون أول من نشر معلومات مفيدة للمسافرين آخرين؟ :)

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