صور Fricourt German war cemetery

Fricourt - German Cemetery - France التي كتبها nick.garrod

The German military cemetery at Fricourt is the resting place for 17,027 German soldiers. They died on the Somme battlefields over the four years of the Great War, from late September 1914, when the 2nd German Army established a defensive front line in this sector, to the 1918 Battles of the Somme. Approximately 1,000 of the soldiers lying here were killed during the early weeks of the war from late August to the late autumn of 1914, and during the trench warfare from that time through 1915 and up to June 1916. From the beginning of the British and French Allied offensive of 1st July 1916 to the close of the battle in mid November 1916 approximately 10,000 German soldiers lost their lives on the Somme battlefields. A further 6,000 German soldiers were killed during the large-scale German offensive - the Kaiserschlacht - of 21st March 1918 and in the battles which followed it up to October 1918. <a href="http://www.greatwar.co.uk/westfront/Somme/cemeteries/german/fricourt.htm">www.greatwar.co.uk/westfront/Somme/cemeteries/german/fric...</a>
Fricourt German war cemetery (Français: Cimetière militaire allemand de Fricourt) هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من نصب عسكرية ومقابر في Fricourt ، فرنسا . وهو موجود: 393 كم باريس من, 448 كم بروكسل من, 790 كم لندن من. إقرأ المزيد
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