صور Schloss Kalkum

Düsseldorf - Schloss Kalkum 02 التي كتبها Daniel Mennerich

The photo shows the moated castle Kalkum. The today's four-wing moated castle originated at the beginning of the 19th century in the style of the baroque, nevertheless, integrated older structural of the castle. The scenery garden surrounding the castle was put on at the beginning of the 19th century by Maximilian Weyhe. Still today the forest Kalkum also exists. Kalkum is a part of town of Dusseldorf.
Schloss Kalkum هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من القلاع في دوسلدورف ، ألمانيا . وهو موجود: 43 كم دوسبورغ من, 131 كم كولونيا من, 530 كم بروكسل من. إقرأ المزيد
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