صور Kingston Lacy

Kingston Lacy House - Kingston Lacy Estate - interiors التي كتبها ell brown

At <a href="http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/kingston-lacy/" rel="nofollow">Kingston Lacy Estate</a>, a National Trust run property with extensive gardens in Dorset. To the west of the town of Wimborne Minster. It was home of the Bankes family, who's original seat was at Corfe Castle until it's destruction during the English Civil War. A new site was chosen by Sir John Bankes, but the house was eventually built by his son Ralph Bankes. The last owner of Kingston Lacy - Henry John Ralph Bankes gave the estate to the National Trust after his death in 1981 (a seven times great grandson of original creator Sir Ralph Bankes). Kingston Lacy House is a Grade I listed building. <a href="http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-107207-kingston-lacey-house-pamphill-dorset" rel="nofollow">Kingston Lacey House, Pamphill</a> Interiors of the house. After entering around 11am (opening time) we had a look around the house. Photography is allowed, as long as you don't use flash! Great looking house and rooms. Library I think of the house.
Kingston Lacy هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من متاحف ومعارض فنية في Corfe Mullen ، المملكة المتحدة . وهو موجود: 14 كم Wimborne من, 462 كم لندن من, 560 كم بيرمينغهام من. إقرأ المزيد
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