صور Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

Juweliers Karl Krall, by Otto Dix, 1923 التي كتبها Bob Ramsak

From <a href="http://www.kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de/en/index.php?site=1&amp;page=3&amp;previewSel=24" rel="nofollow">MATCH: Otto Dix and the Art of Portraiture</a> at the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, thru 06-Apr-08. [<a href="http://pirancafe.wordpress.com/" rel="nofollow">more here</a>] Stuttgart, Germany, 01-Feb-2007 Shot at 1/15, 5.6, 800 ASA Photo by <a href="http://pirancafe.com" rel="nofollow">Bob Ramsak / piran café</a> This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you use this photo within the terms of the license or make special arrangements to use the photo, please list the photo credit as &quot;Bob Ramsak / piran café&quot; and link the credit to <a href="http://pirancafe.com" rel="nofollow">pirancafe.com</a></a>
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من متاحف فن حديث في شتوتغارت ، ألمانيا . وهو موجود: 7.4 كم S-Ost من, 12 كم Feuerbach من, 580 كم ميونخ من. إقرأ المزيد
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