صور 東武スカイツリーライン 荒川放水路橋梁

Tobu 100 Series Limited Express Train Going across the Arakawa River التي كتبها ykanazawa1999

JR Joban Line, Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Tsukuba Express and Tobu Isezaki Line stop at Kita-senju Station. They go across the Arakawa River at the north of the station. Bridges of three lines except Tobu are shown in <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/27889738@N07/4986898010/">“Three Railroad Truss Bridges across the Arakawa River.”</a> This photo shows the bridges used by Tobu. There are two bridges because Tobu uses quadruple track here. These bridges are located 100m east of the other three bridges. A 100 series limited express train is running on it. If you enlarge the picture, you will find another Tobu train running behind the 100 series.
東武スカイツリーライン 荒川放水路橋梁 هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من جسور في طوكيو ، اليابان . وهو موجود: 83 كم كاواساكي من, 117 كم يوكوهاما من, 820 كم ناغويا من. إقرأ المزيد
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