صور قلعة أزوتشي

Jogon-in 金勝山 浄厳院 التي كتبها jpellgen (@1179_jp)

The main gate of Jogon-in. Technically, it is a niomon--meaning that it is guarded on the left and right by Deva kings, Agyo and Ungyo. Jogon-in is a Buddhist temple in Azuchi which is located in rural Shiga prefecture along the shores of Lake Biwa. Azuchi was the center of power for Oda Nobunaga during his dominance of Japan. During that time he established a castle town here that included Azuchi-jo and other structures such as Jogon-in. This temple is famous for the religious debate of 1579 which has come to be known as &quot;Azuchi shuron.&quot; The debate is a major invent in the history of Japanese Buddhism. Although the debate itself occurred at Azuchi-jo, the controvery is believed to have started here between leaders of the Hokke and Jodo sect. <i><b>Jogon-in. Azuchi, Shiga.</b></i>
قلعة أزوتشي (باليابانية: 安土城 أزوتشي-جو) كانت واحدة من أوائل القلاع اليابانية والتي أمر ببنائها أودا نوبوناغا، وبنيت في الفترة بين 1576 و 1579 على شواطئ بحيرة بيوا في مقاطعة أومي. قصد نوبوناغا من اختيار ذلك الموقع لقربه من العاصمة كيوتو وبالتالي إحكا... إقرأ المزيد
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