صور Gastown steam clock

Gastown Steam Clock التي كتبها IQRemix

Raymond Saunders' first steam clock was built in 1977 at the corner of Cambie and Water streets in Vancouver's Gastown neighbourhood. Although the clock is now owned by the City of Vancouver, funding for the project, estimated to be about $58,000 CDN, was provided by contributions from local merchants, property owners, and private donors. Incorporating a steam engine and electric motors, the clock displays the time on four faces and announces the quarter hours with a whistle chime that plays the Westminster Quarters. The clock produces a puff of steam from its top on the hour.
Gastown steam clock هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من برج ساعة في Vancouver ، كندا . وهو موجود: 14 كم North Vancouver من, 36 كم Burnaby من, 590 كم سياتل من. إقرأ المزيد
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  • تم ربط هذه الصورة من Flickr في 2019/01/06 12:18
  • جميع الحقوق محفوظة بواسطة IQRemix
  • يمكنك الاتصال بالمؤلف على http://www.flic...00/37726939631/ .