صور Erdene Zuu Monastery

The "Golden Stupa" التي كتبها Baron Reznik

The Erdene Zuu Monastery, surrounded by a wall of stupas. The &quot;Golden Stupa&quot; being the largest of them all. It's interesting to see the spread of Buddhism across Asia, the architectural similarities, yet still somewhat different from country to country. <a href="http://www.aisleseatplease.com/blog/2014/3/11/the-golden-stupa" rel="nofollow">Read the rest of this entry at the Aisle Seat Please blog.</a>
Erdene Zuu Monastery (Монгол: Эрдэнэ-Зуу хийд) هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من المعابد البوذية في Kharkhorin ، منغوليا . وهو موجود: 314 كم Arbai Khere من, 680 كم Erdenet من, 860 كم Bogd من. إقرأ المزيد
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