صور المتحف القومي للتاريخ الأمريكي

2019 - Road Trip - 73 - Bozeman - 12 - MOR Paugh History Hall التي كتبها Ted's photos - Returns Mid April

The Museum of the Rockies Paugh History Hall showcases MOR’s founding collection of regional artifacts donated in 1957 by the museum founder, Dr. Caroline McGill. The History Hall shares stories that connect Montanan's with the Northern Rocky Mountains, illuminating the lives of those who lived before. From early exploration through World War II, this exhibition depicts the cultural and social changes experienced by those who called this region home, including Native Americans, fur traders, gold seekers, and white settlers. This 1922 Oldsmobile Touring Car was originally used to take tourists up Pike’s Peak, Colorado. Pikes Peak is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, in North America. The 14,115-footer is located in Pike National Forest, 12 miles west of downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado. The mountain is named in honor of American explorer Zebulon Pike. The summit is higher than any point in the United States east of its longitude. This Oldsmobile Touring Car (1922) was used to take tourist up Pike's Peak.
المتحف القومي للتاريخ الأمريكي (بالإنجليزية:National Museum of American History) هو متحف تديره مؤسسة سميثسونيان البحثة الأمريكية، وموقعه في واشنطن دي. سي. في ناشونال مول (The National Mall). إقرأ المزيد
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