صور Kingston Lacy

Kingston Lacy Side View التي كتبها Tony Shertila

On display in Kingston Lacy is an important collection of fine art and antiquities built up by many generations of the Bankes family, the core having been assembled by Sir Ralph Bankes in Gray's Inn before the house was built.[10] One of the rooms, the Spanish Room (named by reason of the Murillo paintings which hang there), has walls hung with gilded leather. It was recently restored at a cost of several hundred thousand pounds over a five-year period. Other important collections include paintings of the Bankes family stretching back over 400 years. Other artworks include works by Velázquez, Van Dyck, Titian and Brueghel.
Kingston Lacy هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من متاحف ومعارض فنية في Corfe Mullen ، المملكة المتحدة . وهو موجود: 14 كم Wimborne من, 462 كم لندن من, 560 كم بيرمينغهام من. إقرأ المزيد
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