صور New Walk Museum

P3160187 التي كتبها simonrwilkinson

Leicester -New Walk Museum and Art Gallery The Barrow Kipper Named after the flattened fish, this is a skeleton of an unidentified plesiosaur discovered in Barrow upon Soar in 1851. Originally classified as Plesiosaurus macrocephalus, it was later reclassified as Rhomaleosaurus megacephalus. (large headed strong reptile) . However, according to Adam Smith and Gareth Dyke (2008), the fossil is actually of another, unnamed genus. Both front and back limbs form long pointed flippers which it would have used to propel it under water just as modern sea lions or penguins do.
New Walk Museum هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من متاحف في ليستر ، المملكة المتحدة . وهو موجود: 12 كم Oadby من, 165 كم بيرمينغهام من, 427 كم لندن من. إقرأ المزيد
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